When you have a gun, you might have also bought a lot of ammunition with it. This could be because so you could be prepared for different situations. In having possession of such, you must keep them all together in one safe place.
Thinking about stockpiling ammo for your gun? you must consider how you’ll do this in a way that takes safety and compliance into account. Otherwise, you could end up facing penalties or even jail time.
With this in mind, we provide a quick guide highlighting common ammo stockpiling errors and how to avoid them. Consider this your must-stop-reading list before you move forward with bulk ammunition purchases.
Are you ready to learn more? Then let’s get started.
Table of Contents
- 1 Ignoring the Special Requirements of Different Types of Firearms
- 2 Not Storing It in a Cool, Dry Place
- 3 Not Using Airtight Containers
- 4 Storing It for Too Long
- 5 Not Keeping Ammunition Away From Powerful Magnets
- 6 Not Checking the Expiration Date on the Ammo
- 7 Forget to Factor in the Cost of Shipping
- 8 Not Taking Into Account the Cost of Storage
- 9 Forget to Account for Diversions
- 10 Ammo Stockpiling Errors You Need to Avoid
Ignoring the Special Requirements of Different Types of Firearms
One of the most common errors made when stockpiling ammo is forgetting to account for the unique needs of different types of firearms. While one type of firearm may use a certain type of ammunition exclusively, another type of firearm may be able to use a variety of ammunition types, have a look. As a result, it is important to take into account the specific needs of each firearm when stockpiling ammo.
Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where you have the wrong type of ammunition for your firearm, or worse, you may find yourself without any ammunition at all.
Not Storing It in a Cool, Dry Place
One of the most common ammo stockpiling errors is not storing it in a cool dry place. This can cause the ammo to degrade over time and become less effective. It can also cause the ammo to rust and corrode, which can make it dangerous to use.
Ammunition is susceptible to moisture and temperature extremes. It must not be only stored in a cool and dry place but also in a place out of direct sunlight.
Not Using Airtight Containers
If they did not seal your ammunition in a container, it will go bad. The moisture in the air will rust the metal on the bullets and cause the powder to degrade. This will make your ammunition less effective and could even cause it to misfire.
To avoid this, always store your ammo in airtight containers. Air leaking into ammunition containers can cause moisture damage and render the ammo unusable.
Storing It for Too Long
One of the most common errors people make when stockpiling ammo is storing it for too long. Ammo has a shelf life, and it will go bad. The best way to avoid this is to rotate your stock.
Every time you buy new ammo put it in the back of your stockpile and move the old ammo to the front. This way, you will always use the freshest ammo and won’t have to worry about it going bad. Over time, ammunition can go bad, so it is important to rotate your stockpile and use the oldest ammo first.
Not Keeping Ammunition Away From Powerful Magnets
One of the most common errors made when stockpiling ammunition is not keeping it away from powerful magnets. This can cause the ammunition to become magnetized and attract metal shavings, which can then cause jams and misfires. To avoid this, store your ammunition in a cool, dry place away from any magnets.
Not Checking the Expiration Date on the Ammo
One of the most common mistakes people make when stockpiling ammo is not checking the expiration date. Ammo can go bad over time, so it’s important to check the expiration date before using it. If the ammo is past its expiration date, it may not work properly and could even be dangerous.
To avoid this, always make sure to check the expiration date on your ammo before you use it. By avoiding these common errors, you can be sure that your ammunition will be ready to use when you need it.
Forget to Factor in the Cost of Shipping
In protecting ammo stockpiles one must also not forget to factor in the cost of shipping. Shipping ammo can be expensive, and if it’s not factored into the budget for ammo, it can quickly eat into any savings. It’s also easy to underestimate how much ammo they needed for a particular gun.
It’s important to do some research and find out how much ammo we typically use for the type of gun being stockpiled. By avoiding these common errors, it’s easy to keep a stockpile of ammo that will be ready for any situation.
Not Taking Into Account the Cost of Storage
Many people who stockpile ammunition make the mistake of not taking into account the cost of storage. This can be costly, especially if you have a large stockpile. Ammo can be expensive, and if you’re not careful, it can quickly become a wasted investment
Forget to Account for Diversions
One of the most common errors people make when stockpiling ammo is forgetting to account for diversions. Diversions can include anything from animals getting into your stockpile to family members borrowing a few rounds for target practice. If you don’t account for these diversions, you may find yourself running low on ammo when you need it most.
To avoid this, make sure to keep track of how much ammo you have on hand and how much you’re using. This will help you stay well-stocked and prepared for anything
Ammo Stockpiling Errors You Need to Avoid
Ammo stockpiling is an important aspect of preparedness, but it is also important to avoid common ammo stockpiling errors. Some common errors include not properly rotating stock, not considering alternate types of ammo, and not having enough. By properly rotating stock, considering alternate types of ammo, and having enough, you can avoid these common errors and be prepared for anything.
Did this article help you stockpile ammunition safely? Browse around the rest of this section to learn more helpful tips that will prepare you for doomsday.