Finances 101: 7 Things One Must Know When Planning Finances

Tracking your finances as a young person is something you need to learn. It may seem like a tricky process, but with time, you get to adapt, and all that will pay in the near future. Your personal finances need to be accounted for. You need a wealth management consultant to let you know whether you are spending more than you get or whether you are misusing your funds. In this article, you will find several tips that will help you plan your finances efficiently.

Maintain a Balance between Income and Expenses

Your income needs to be more than your expenses. What you spend must not be more than what you earn. It is important that you note down all the expenses you incur, be it monthly or weekly. Then compare this with your net income. If the balances do not add up, then this means it is time you cut off some unnecessary expenditures that drain your finances. 

Expenses such as paying your student loan and rent are necessary expenditures that should be accounted for in your finances. When you spend more than you earn, you will have nothing to save for either emergency or for future plans. Therefore, you must consider a balance between your income and expenditure.

Emergency Fund

This is one of the wisest financial decisions you could ever make. Uncertainties occur from time to time. Therefore, when you keep an emergency fund where you pump in money, say monthly, you will be able to handle any emergency that may arise. Open a savings account that will hold your emergency cash. As a young adult, you may not have so many responsibilities. However, as time goes by, you may want to further your studies or pay for a medical bill. The emergency fund will come in handy at that moment. 


To insure some of the assets you own is a bold financial move. This will protect you from incurring any future losses that may dig a hole in your finances. For example, your car may be involved in an accident, leading to costly repairs. You will thank yourself for getting car insurance prior to the accident. Therefore, as you plan your finances, consider insuring your property, such as your house, car, and your motorcycle.

Setting Goals

Planning your finances is a vital step in your goal of financial stability. By setting attainable goals, you will channel your finances towards positive endeavours. Goals such as early retirement and investing in assets will keep you on your toes on how you spend and plan for your finances. Write down your goals and commit to following them. Your financial plan should align with your goals, as well.

As a young adult, it is important to be focusing on saving for your retirement. The earlier, the better. Time flies and retirement may come sooner than you anticipate. Therefore, be wise about it and channel a portion of your funds towards your retirement. 


As you make a financial plan, make it a priority to do away with any form of debt you may already have. Debts such as student loans may accrue huge interest rates when not paid in due time. Allocate a portion of your finances towards eliminating this debt. Also, do not focus on acquiring unnecessary debt in your youth. These debts may weigh you down financially in the future. 

One way to ensure you stay out of debt is by having an emergency fund that will cater to any unanticipated expenditures. Debts are only beneficial if you are acquiring an asset that will earn you money.

Considering Financial Planning Seriously

Financial plans help you manage your finances with ease. By planning your finances, you efficiently allocate your money to the various expenses and savings. A financial plan will guide you out of debt and build a good spending culture.

All the above tips will help you as you plan your finances. It is also important that you incorporate having fun and vacation in your budget. These are also going to be expenditures, and they are worth it because you are, in a way, rewarding yourself for the excellent work that you do. Also, having a clear budget will help you stay on track with your financial plan. If all this is quite difficult to accomplish on your own, hire a financial advisor at a small fee to help you have a firm grip on your finances as early as now. Do not wait until it’s too late to make this important decision.

Commit yourself to a good financial discipline, and you will reap the rewards later in life. Most young adults spendthrift their money without a care about what the future holds. Be different and stand out by utilizing these tips.